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Investors Relations

Monthly Revenue

Unit: NT$1,000
Month Operating income Value in the Previous Year Increase/decrease ratio in the current month
JAN 1,310,995 1,149,191 14.08
FEB 1,395,432 1,058,809 31.79
MAR 1,470,838 1,115,851 31.81
APR 1,449,005 1,149,778 26.02
MAY 1,572,119 1,159,684 35.56
JUN 1,554,144 1,169,435 32.90
JUL 1,514,827 1,147,346 32.03
AUG 1,601,594 1,228,080 30.41

Please refer to the "Market Observation Post System" for past information. Instructions for queries are as follows:

  1. Select "Announcement"
  2. Please enter the company code: 3293
  3. Select"Statement of Sales Revenue(after adopting IFRSs)"
  • Investor Relations Contacts

    Shareholder services:Ssu-Yu Sung
    Contact Number:02-22995048#1228

    Investor communication platform:
    Acting Spokesperson:A-Chien Chen, President
    Contact Number:02-22995048#1300


  • Stock transfer agency

    Department of Stock Affairs, Capital Securities Corporation
    Address:B2, No. 97, Section 2, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City (10601)