Investors Relations
Monthly Revenue
Unit: NT$1,000
Month | Operating income | Value in the Previous Year | Increase/decrease ratio in the current month |
JAN | 1,310,995 | 1,149,191 | 14.08 |
FEB | 1,395,432 | 1,058,809 | 31.79 |
MAR | 1,470,838 | 1,115,851 | 31.81 |
APR | 1,449,005 | 1,149,778 | 26.02 |
MAY | 1,572,119 | 1,159,684 | 35.56 |
JUN | 1,554,144 | 1,169,435 | 32.90 |
JUL | 1,514,827 | 1,147,346 | 32.03 |
AUG | 1,601,594 | 1,228,080 | 30.41 |
Please refer to the "Market Observation Post System" for past information. Instructions for queries are as follows:
- Select "Announcement"
- Please enter the company code: 3293
- Select"Statement of Sales Revenue(after adopting IFRSs)"
Investor Relations Contacts
Shareholder services:Ssu-Yu Sung
Contact Number:02-22995048#1228
Investor communication platform:
Acting Spokesperson:A-Chien Chen, President
Contact Number:02-22995048#1300
Stock transfer agency
Department of Stock Affairs, Capital Securities Corporation
Address:B2, No. 97, Section 2, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City (10601)